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Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | 617.7 DOI: https://doi.org/10.25276/2410-1257-2024-4-34-36 |
Бикбова Г.М.
Исторические перспективы и современное понимание науки о питании: от влияния промышленности до понимания метаболизма
Кафедра офтальмологии Университета Тиба
Азиатско-Японский кампус Высшего университета ВОНМ
Fusion Inc
Sana SANA Nutrients
High Performance Brain
Scientific research serves as the cornerstone of societal and technological progress. However, the credibility of research has, at times, been undermined by instances of bias, manipulation, or flawed methodologies. One notable case is the disputed 2006 Alzheimer’s study published in Nature, where allegations of falsified data prompted a re-evaluation of critical findings on amyloid plaques [1].
Similarly, historical scrutiny has revealed that the sugar industry, in the 1960s, funded studies to downplay sugar’s role in cardiovascular disease, shifting the focus to saturated fats [2]. Such revelations have had lasting impacts on public health policies and societal perceptions of nutrition.
This review explores the evolving understanding of industrial seed oils and their integration into human diets, examining their biochemical and physiological impacts [3, 4]. Additionally, it investigates key cellular processes, such as vesicular fusion, which underpins critical biological functions [5]. Finally, the role of omega-3 fatty acids and peroxisomal metabolism in retinal health is analyzed, with a focus on their implications for diseases like diabetic retinopathy and agerelated macular degeneration [6, 7]. Together, these topics provide a comprehensive overview of the challenges and opportunities within contemporary scientific research.
Historical Scientific Controversies
The retraction of the 2006 Alzheimer’s study due to alleged data manipulation underscored the critical need for stringent peer-review processes and research validation [1]. The study’s findings on amyloid plaques as a therapeutic target influenced years of research investment, highlighting the cascading effects of flawed science. Similarly, the sugar industry’s strategic funding of research in the mid-20th century manipulated public health narratives by deflecting attention from sugar’s role in cardiovascular health [2]. This manipulation not only misinformed dietary guidelines but also fostered decades of misguided public health strategies, as highlighted in recent evaluations of cardiovascular risk factors [8].
These controversies emphasize the ethical responsibility of researchers, institutions, and policymakers to uphold transparency and prioritize public welfare over corporate or personal interests. They also highlight the importance of integrating retrospective analyses into policy-making to counteract the lingering effects of flawed historical research [9].
Evolution of Industrial Seed Oils
Industrial seed oils, derived from crops like cottonseed, sunflower, and soy, gained prominence during the 19th century as a cost-effective alternative to animal fats. Advances in hydrogenation and refining processes facilitated the production of consumable products, such as margarine and shortening, from what were once industrial byproducts [3]. In 1961, the American Heart Association’s endorsement of polyunsaturated fats over saturated fats catalyzed a surge in seed oil consumption. While omega-6 fatty acids, abundant in these oils, are essential for physiological processes like immune function and cell signaling, their excessive intake relative to omega-3 fatty acids has been implicated in chronic inflammation, obesity, and cardiovascular diseases [3, 4, 10]. Emerging research suggests that excessive omega-6 consumption may exacerbate systemic inflammation by modulating eicosanoid production pathways, further emphasizing the need for a balanced omega-3 to omega-6 ratio [10, 11].
Vesicular Fusion and Cellular Processes
Vesicular fusion is a fundamental cellular mechanism that mediates the transfer of materials within and between cells. This process is integral to neurotransmitter release, hormone secretion, and immune responses [5]. At the synaptic level, vesicular fusion enables precise neuronal communication, critical for cognitive and motor functions.
The mechanisms of vesicular fusion have also been shown to play a key role in lysosomal repair, offering potential therapeutic targets for neurodegenerative diseases like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s [12].
Pathogens often exploit vesicular fusion mechanisms for cellular entry, making it a focal point in the study of infectious diseases [13]. Dysregulation of vesicular fusion has been implicated in conditions such as immune deficiencies and metabolic diseases, emphasizing its dual significance in health and pathology [5, 13].
Retinal Health, Fatty Acids, and Peroxisomal Metabolism
The retina, with its high metabolic activity, is particularly susceptible to oxidative stress and metabolic dysregulation [6]. Omega-3 fatty acids, especially docosahexaenoic acid (DHA), play a pivotal role in maintaining retinal integrity. DHA is integral to photoreceptor function, enhancing membrane fluidity, nutrient transport, and neuroprotection [7, 14]. Its deficiency has been linked to increased risks of retinal disorders, including diabetic retinopathy and agerelated macular degeneration [6].
Peroxisomal metabolism contributes to retinal health by generating plasmalogens and bile acids that support cellular integrity [6]. Bile acids, such as cholic acid, also modulate cholesterol homeostasis and protect photoreceptor cells [14]. Emerging therapeutic interventions, such as supplementation with omega-3 fatty acids or bile acid derivatives, show promise in mitigating retinal inflammation and oxidative stress [14, 15]. Additionally, the use of advanced imaging techniques to monitor retinal lipid dynamics offers new avenues for early diagnosis and intervention [15].
The interplay between historical biases, industrial advancements, and scientific discovery underscores the complex nature of public health and biomedical research.
Historical controversies, such as the sugar industry’s manipulation of dietary science, continue to inform modern debates about corporate influence and research integrity [2, 8]. Similarly, the disputed 2006 Alzheimer’s study highlights the ongoing need for rigorous methodological standards and independent validation in scientific research [1].
The evolution of industrial seed oils has highlighted the unintended consequences of large-scale dietary changes.
While industrial processes enabled the mass production of polyunsaturated fats, the resulting dietary imbalances have prompted a reevaluation of their health impacts.
Current evidence suggests that restoring a balanced intake of omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids could mitigate inflammation and reduce the prevalence of chronic diseases [3, 4, 10]. Moreover, dietary patterns emphasizing natural sources of omega-3 fatty acids, such as fatty fish and flaxseed, align with broader public health goals [11, 14].
Advancements in cellular biology, particularly in vesicular fusion, have illuminated fundamental processes that underpin health and disease. The dual role of vesicular fusion in both normal cellular function and pathological processes, such as infection and neurodegeneration, underscores its therapeutic potential [5, 12]. Innovative research into vesicular fusion’s role in lysosomal repair and immune function holds promise for future treatments [13].
Finally, the intricate relationship between retinal health, peroxisomal metabolism, and fatty acid composition underscores the need for targeted interventions. Omega-3 supplementation, coupled with improved understanding of retinal lipid dynamics, offers new hope for conditions like diabetic retinopathy and age-related macular degeneration [6, 14, 15]. These findings highlight the importance of integrating biochemical research with clinical practice to address unmet medical needs.
The interplay between historical practices, industrial advancements, and scientific research continues to shape public health and biomedical progress. Controversies surrounding research integrity, such as the 2006 Alzheimer’s study and the sugar industry’s influence, serve as cautionary tales, underscoring the necessity of ethical practices and transparency [1, 2]. Concurrently, advancements in understanding the health impacts of industrial seed oils and the physiological roles of omega-3 fatty acids illuminate the potential for targeted dietary interventions in preventing chronic diseases [3, 4].
At the cellular level, insights into vesicular fusion and peroxisomal metabolism offer promising directions for addressing metabolic and neurodegenerative disorders [5, 6, 12]. The pivotal role of omega-3 fatty acids in retinal health exemplifies the broader significance of balanced diets and integrative therapeutic approaches in modern medicine [7, 14]. As science progresses, maintaining integrity and fostering interdisciplinary collaboration will be essential in achieving transformative outcomes [8–15].
Информация об авторе
Бикбова Гузель Мухаррамовна – д.м.н., доцент кафедры офтальмологии Университета Тиба, Япония; доктор натуропатической медицины, Высшая школа Японского университета ВОНМ, генеральный директор Fusion Inc, Япония; консультант Sana SANA Nutrients, Испания; преподаватель High Performance Brain, Нидерланды, gbikbova@gmail.com, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7715-7466
Information about the author
Guzel M. Bikbova – Assistant professor of Department of Ophthalmology of Chiba University, Japan; Doctor of Naturopathic Medicine, WONM Graduate University Japan School CEO, Fusion Inc, Japan; Advisory consultant, Sana SANA Nutrients, Spain; Lecturer, High Performance Brain, Netherlands; gbikbova@gmail.co, https://orcid.org/0000-0002-7715-7466
Вклад автора:
Бикбова Г.М. – концепция и дизайн исследование, анализ и обработка материала, написание текста, редактирование статьи.
Аuthor’s contribution:
Bikbova G.М. – concept and design research, analysis and processing of the material, writing and editing the text.
Финансирование: Автор не получал финансирования при проведении исследования и написании статьи.
Financial transparency: The author received no funding to conduct the research or write the article.
Conflict of interest None.
Конфликт интересов: Отсутствует.
Поступила: 27.11.2024
Переработана: 03.12.2024
Принята к печати: 10.12.2024
Originally received: 27.11.2024
Final revision: 03.12.2024
Accepted: 10.12.2024
Страница источника: 34
OAI-PMH ID: oai:eyepress.ru:article63629
Просмотров: 113
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