Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
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Оптическая когерентная томография: проблемы и решенияГлава 2. Нормативные базы данных и принципы сравнения с ними
Литература к главе 2
1. Белогурова А.В.Дифференциально-диагностические критерии и мониторинг глаукомногопроцесса при осевой миопии: Автореф. дис. … канд. мед. наук. М., 2016.- 22 с.
2. Казакова А.В., Эскина Э.Н.Диагностика глаукомы у пациентов с близорукостью //Национальный журнал Глаукома.- 2015.- Т.14, № 3.- С.87-100.
3. Шпак А.А.Спектральная оптическая когерентная томография высокого разрешения: Атлас.- М.,2014.- 170 с.
4. Экгардт В.Ф., Дорофеев Д.А., Шаимов Т.Б., Деев Р.В.О размерах диска зрительного нерва //Казанский медицинский журнал.- 2013.- Т.94, № 6.- С.850-853.
5. Эфендиева М.Э.Сравнительная оценка толщины слоя нервных волокон сетчатки у пациентовс миопией разной степени // Вестн. офтальмол.- 2014.- № 4.- С.18-21.
6. Akashi A., Kanamori A., Ueda K. et al.The Ability of SD-OCT to differentiate early glaucoma with highmyopia from highly myopic controls and nonhighly myopic controls // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis.Sci.- 2015.- Vol.56, № 11.- P.6573-6580.
7. Al-Haddad C., Barikian A., Jaroudi M. et al.Spectral domain optical coherence tomography in children:normative data and biometric correlations // BMC Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.14, Article 53.- 8 p.
8. Appukuttan B., Giridhar A., Gopalakrishnan M., Sivaprasad S.Normative spectral domain opticalcoherence tomography data on macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in Indians //Indian J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.62, № 3.- P.316-321.
9. Barrio-Barrio J., Noval S., Galdos M. et al.Multicenter Spanish study of spectral-domain opticalcoherence tomography in normal children // Acta Ophthalmol.- 2013.- Vol.91, № 1.- P.e56-e63.
10. Bennett A.G., Rudnicka A.R., Edgar D.F. Improvements on Littmann's method of determining the sizeof retinal features by fundus photography // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 1994.- Vol.232,№ 6.- P.361-367.
11. Biswas S ., Lin C., Leung C.K.Evaluation of a myopic normative database for analysis of retinal nervefiber layer thickness // JAMA Ophthalmol.- 2016.- Vol.134, № 9.- P.1032-1039.
12. Choi S.W., Lee S.J.Thickness changes in the fovea and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer depend onthe degree of myopia // Korean J. Ophthalmol.- 2006.- Vol.20, № 4.- P.215-219.
13. Choi Y.J., Jeoung J.W., Park K.H., Kim D.M.Glaucoma detection ability of ganglion cell-inner plexiformlayer thickness by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in high myopia // Invest.Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2013.- Vol.54, № 3.- P.2296-2304.
14. Cirrus HD-OCT User Manual – Models 500, 5000. Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., 2015.
15. Garway-Heath D.F., Rudnicka A.R., Lowe T. et al.Measurement of optic disc size: equivalence ofmethods to correct for ocular magnification// Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 1998.- Vol.82, № 6.- P.643-649.
16. Guragac F.B., Totan Y., Guler E. et al.Normative spectral domain optical coherence tomography datain healthy turkish children // Semin. Ophthalmol.- 2017.- Vol.32, № 2.- P.216-222.
17. Hong S.W., Ahn M.D., Kang S.H., Im S.K.Analysis of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber distribution innormal young adults // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2010.-Vol.51, № 7.- P.3515-3523.
18. Huang D., Chopra V., Lu A.T.et al.Does optic nerve head size variation affect circumpapillary retinalnerve fiber layer thickness measurement by optical coherence tomography? // Invest. Ophthalmol.Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.53, № 8.- P.4990-4997.
19. Kim N.R., Lee E.S., Seong G.J. et al.Comparing the ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fibre layermeasurements by Fourier domain OCT to detect glaucoma in high myopia // Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 2011.- Vol.95, № 8.- P.1115-1121.
20. Knight O.J., Girkin C.A., Budenz D.L. et al.Effect of race, age, and axial length on optic nerve headparameters and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by Cirrus HD-OCT // Arch.Ophthalmol.- 2012.- Vol.130, № 3.- P.312-318.
21. Littmann H.Zur Bestimmung der wahren Grosse eines Objektes auf dem Hintergrund des lebendenAuges // Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd.- 1982.- Bd.180, № 4.- S.286-289.
22. Mohammad Salih P.A.Evaluation of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in myopic eyes byspectral-domain optical coherence tomography// J. Glaucoma.- 2012.- Vol.21, № 1.- P.41-44.
23. Nakanishi H., Akagi T., Hangai M. et al.Sensitivity and specificity for detecting early glaucoma in eyeswith high myopia from normative database of macular ganglion cell complex thickness obtainedfrom normal non-myopic or highly myopic Asian eyes // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 2015.- Vol.253, № 7.- P.1143-1152.
24. Natung T., Keditsu A., Lyngdoh L.A. et al.Normal macular thickness in healthy indian eyes using spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Asia Pac. J. Ophthalmol. (Phila).- 2016.- Vol.5, № 3.- P.176-179.
25. Nidek Co., Ltd. Software for RS series Long Axial Length Normative Database.http://www.nidek-intl.com/product/ophthaloptom/diagnostic/dia_retina/longaxiallength.html.
26. Optical coherence tomography OCT-HS100: Operation manual; software version 3.0. Canon, 2013.
27. Rao A. Sahoo B., Kumar M. et al.Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in children <18 years by spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Semin Ophthalmol. – 2013.- Vol.28, № 2.- P.97-102.
28. Realini T., Zangwill L.M., Flanagan J.G. et al.Normative databases for imaging instrumentation //J. Glaucoma.- 2015.- Vol.24, № 6.- P.480-483.
29. Rock T., Wilhelm B., Bartz-Schmidt K.U., Rock D. The influence of axial length on confocal scanninglaser ophthalmoscopy and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography size measurements: apilot study // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.252, № 4.- P.589-593.
30. Rougier M.B., Korobelnik J.F., Malet F. et al.Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measured withSD-OCT in a population-based study of French elderly subjects: the Alienor study // ActaOphthalmol.- 2015.- Vol.93,№ 6.- P.539-545.
31. RTVue XR 100 Avanti edition: User's manual; software version 2014.1. Optovue Inc., 2014, - 43 p.
32. Savini G., Barboni P., Parisi V., Carbonelli M.The influence of axial length on retinal nerve fibre layerthickness and optic-disc size measurements by spectral-domain OCT // Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 2012.- Vol.96. № 1.- P.57-61.
33. Shoji T., Sato H., Ishida M. et al.Assessment of glaucomatous changes in subjects with high myopiausing spectral domain optical coherence tomography// Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2011.- Vol.52,№ 2.- P.1098-1102.
34. Song A.P., Wu X.Y., Wang J.R.et al.Measurement of retinal thickness in macular region of high myopiceyes using spectral domain OCT // Int. J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.7, № 1.- P.122-127.
35. Spaide R.F., Ohno-Matsui K., Yannuzzi L.A.(eds.) Pathologic Myopia. New York etc.: Springer, 2014.- 376 p.
36. Spectralis HRA+OCT: User manual; software version 5.7. Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, 2013.
37. Tas M., Oner V., Turkcu F.M.et al.Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in hyperopic children// Optom. Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.89, № 7.- P.1009-1013.
38. Topcon 3D OCT Series Normative Database. Topcon Medical Systems, Inc., 2011.- 8 p.
39. Wang X.E., Wang X.Y., Gu Y.S., Huang Z. Retinal nerve fiber layer in primary open-angle glaucomawith high myopia determined by optical coherence tomography and scanning laser polarimetry// Chin. Med. J. (Engl).- 2013.- Vol.126, № 8.- P.1425-1429.
40. Williams K.M., Verhoeven V.J., Cumberland P. et al.Prevalence of refractive error in Europe:the European Eye Epidemiology (E³) Consortium // Eur. J. Epidemiol.- 2015.- Vol.30, № 4.- P.305-315.
41. Yanni S.E., Wang J., Cheng C.S. et al.Normative reference ranges for the retinal nerve fiber layer, macula,and retinal layer thicknesses in children // Am. J. Ophthalmol.- 2013.- Vol.155, № 2.- 354-360.e1.
42. Yoo Y.C., Lee C.M., Park J.H.Changes in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer distribution by axiallength // Optom. Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.89, № 1.- P.4-11.
43. Yuan Y.Z., Feng C.L., Li B.Y. et al.The relationship between visual field global indices and retinal nervefiber layer thickness in healthy myopes // J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.2014.- Article ID 431901.- 8 p.
44. Zhang Y., Wen W., Sun X.Comparison of several parameters in two optical coherence tomographysystems for detecting glaucomatous defects in high myopia // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2016.-Vol.57, № 11.- P.4910-4915.
45. Zhu B.D., Li S.M., Li H. et al.Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in a population of 12-year-old childrenin central China measured by iVue-100 spectral-domain optical coherence tomography: the AnyangChildhood Eye Study // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2013.- Vol.54, № 13.- P.8104-8111.
2. Казакова А.В., Эскина Э.Н.Диагностика глаукомы у пациентов с близорукостью //Национальный журнал Глаукома.- 2015.- Т.14, № 3.- С.87-100.
3. Шпак А.А.Спектральная оптическая когерентная томография высокого разрешения: Атлас.- М.,2014.- 170 с.
4. Экгардт В.Ф., Дорофеев Д.А., Шаимов Т.Б., Деев Р.В.О размерах диска зрительного нерва //Казанский медицинский журнал.- 2013.- Т.94, № 6.- С.850-853.
5. Эфендиева М.Э.Сравнительная оценка толщины слоя нервных волокон сетчатки у пациентовс миопией разной степени // Вестн. офтальмол.- 2014.- № 4.- С.18-21.
6. Akashi A., Kanamori A., Ueda K. et al.The Ability of SD-OCT to differentiate early glaucoma with highmyopia from highly myopic controls and nonhighly myopic controls // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis.Sci.- 2015.- Vol.56, № 11.- P.6573-6580.
7. Al-Haddad C., Barikian A., Jaroudi M. et al.Spectral domain optical coherence tomography in children:normative data and biometric correlations // BMC Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.14, Article 53.- 8 p.
8. Appukuttan B., Giridhar A., Gopalakrishnan M., Sivaprasad S.Normative spectral domain opticalcoherence tomography data on macular and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in Indians //Indian J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.62, № 3.- P.316-321.
9. Barrio-Barrio J., Noval S., Galdos M. et al.Multicenter Spanish study of spectral-domain opticalcoherence tomography in normal children // Acta Ophthalmol.- 2013.- Vol.91, № 1.- P.e56-e63.
10. Bennett A.G., Rudnicka A.R., Edgar D.F. Improvements on Littmann's method of determining the sizeof retinal features by fundus photography // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 1994.- Vol.232,№ 6.- P.361-367.
11. Biswas S ., Lin C., Leung C.K.Evaluation of a myopic normative database for analysis of retinal nervefiber layer thickness // JAMA Ophthalmol.- 2016.- Vol.134, № 9.- P.1032-1039.
12. Choi S.W., Lee S.J.Thickness changes in the fovea and peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer depend onthe degree of myopia // Korean J. Ophthalmol.- 2006.- Vol.20, № 4.- P.215-219.
13. Choi Y.J., Jeoung J.W., Park K.H., Kim D.M.Glaucoma detection ability of ganglion cell-inner plexiformlayer thickness by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography in high myopia // Invest.Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2013.- Vol.54, № 3.- P.2296-2304.
14. Cirrus HD-OCT User Manual – Models 500, 5000. Carl Zeiss Meditec, Inc., 2015.
15. Garway-Heath D.F., Rudnicka A.R., Lowe T. et al.Measurement of optic disc size: equivalence ofmethods to correct for ocular magnification// Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 1998.- Vol.82, № 6.- P.643-649.
16. Guragac F.B., Totan Y., Guler E. et al.Normative spectral domain optical coherence tomography datain healthy turkish children // Semin. Ophthalmol.- 2017.- Vol.32, № 2.- P.216-222.
17. Hong S.W., Ahn M.D., Kang S.H., Im S.K.Analysis of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber distribution innormal young adults // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2010.-Vol.51, № 7.- P.3515-3523.
18. Huang D., Chopra V., Lu A.T.et al.Does optic nerve head size variation affect circumpapillary retinalnerve fiber layer thickness measurement by optical coherence tomography? // Invest. Ophthalmol.Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.53, № 8.- P.4990-4997.
19. Kim N.R., Lee E.S., Seong G.J. et al.Comparing the ganglion cell complex and retinal nerve fibre layermeasurements by Fourier domain OCT to detect glaucoma in high myopia // Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 2011.- Vol.95, № 8.- P.1115-1121.
20. Knight O.J., Girkin C.A., Budenz D.L. et al.Effect of race, age, and axial length on optic nerve headparameters and retinal nerve fiber layer thickness measured by Cirrus HD-OCT // Arch.Ophthalmol.- 2012.- Vol.130, № 3.- P.312-318.
21. Littmann H.Zur Bestimmung der wahren Grosse eines Objektes auf dem Hintergrund des lebendenAuges // Klin. Monatsbl. Augenheilkd.- 1982.- Bd.180, № 4.- S.286-289.
22. Mohammad Salih P.A.Evaluation of peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in myopic eyes byspectral-domain optical coherence tomography// J. Glaucoma.- 2012.- Vol.21, № 1.- P.41-44.
23. Nakanishi H., Akagi T., Hangai M. et al.Sensitivity and specificity for detecting early glaucoma in eyeswith high myopia from normative database of macular ganglion cell complex thickness obtainedfrom normal non-myopic or highly myopic Asian eyes // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 2015.- Vol.253, № 7.- P.1143-1152.
24. Natung T., Keditsu A., Lyngdoh L.A. et al.Normal macular thickness in healthy indian eyes using spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Asia Pac. J. Ophthalmol. (Phila).- 2016.- Vol.5, № 3.- P.176-179.
25. Nidek Co., Ltd. Software for RS series Long Axial Length Normative Database.http://www.nidek-intl.com/product/ophthaloptom/diagnostic/dia_retina/longaxiallength.html.
26. Optical coherence tomography OCT-HS100: Operation manual; software version 3.0. Canon, 2013.
27. Rao A. Sahoo B., Kumar M. et al.Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in children <18 years by spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Semin Ophthalmol. – 2013.- Vol.28, № 2.- P.97-102.
28. Realini T., Zangwill L.M., Flanagan J.G. et al.Normative databases for imaging instrumentation //J. Glaucoma.- 2015.- Vol.24, № 6.- P.480-483.
29. Rock T., Wilhelm B., Bartz-Schmidt K.U., Rock D. The influence of axial length on confocal scanninglaser ophthalmoscopy and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography size measurements: apilot study // Graefes Arch. Clin. Exp. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.252, № 4.- P.589-593.
30. Rougier M.B., Korobelnik J.F., Malet F. et al.Retinal nerve fibre layer thickness measured withSD-OCT in a population-based study of French elderly subjects: the Alienor study // ActaOphthalmol.- 2015.- Vol.93,№ 6.- P.539-545.
31. RTVue XR 100 Avanti edition: User's manual; software version 2014.1. Optovue Inc., 2014, - 43 p.
32. Savini G., Barboni P., Parisi V., Carbonelli M.The influence of axial length on retinal nerve fibre layerthickness and optic-disc size measurements by spectral-domain OCT // Br. J. Ophthalmol.- 2012.- Vol.96. № 1.- P.57-61.
33. Shoji T., Sato H., Ishida M. et al.Assessment of glaucomatous changes in subjects with high myopiausing spectral domain optical coherence tomography// Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2011.- Vol.52,№ 2.- P.1098-1102.
34. Song A.P., Wu X.Y., Wang J.R.et al.Measurement of retinal thickness in macular region of high myopiceyes using spectral domain OCT // Int. J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.7, № 1.- P.122-127.
35. Spaide R.F., Ohno-Matsui K., Yannuzzi L.A.(eds.) Pathologic Myopia. New York etc.: Springer, 2014.- 376 p.
36. Spectralis HRA+OCT: User manual; software version 5.7. Heidelberg Engineering GmbH, 2013.
37. Tas M., Oner V., Turkcu F.M.et al.Peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in hyperopic children// Optom. Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.89, № 7.- P.1009-1013.
38. Topcon 3D OCT Series Normative Database. Topcon Medical Systems, Inc., 2011.- 8 p.
39. Wang X.E., Wang X.Y., Gu Y.S., Huang Z. Retinal nerve fiber layer in primary open-angle glaucomawith high myopia determined by optical coherence tomography and scanning laser polarimetry// Chin. Med. J. (Engl).- 2013.- Vol.126, № 8.- P.1425-1429.
40. Williams K.M., Verhoeven V.J., Cumberland P. et al.Prevalence of refractive error in Europe:the European Eye Epidemiology (E³) Consortium // Eur. J. Epidemiol.- 2015.- Vol.30, № 4.- P.305-315.
41. Yanni S.E., Wang J., Cheng C.S. et al.Normative reference ranges for the retinal nerve fiber layer, macula,and retinal layer thicknesses in children // Am. J. Ophthalmol.- 2013.- Vol.155, № 2.- 354-360.e1.
42. Yoo Y.C., Lee C.M., Park J.H.Changes in peripapillary retinal nerve fiber layer distribution by axiallength // Optom. Vis. Sci.- 2012.- Vol.89, № 1.- P.4-11.
43. Yuan Y.Z., Feng C.L., Li B.Y. et al.The relationship between visual field global indices and retinal nervefiber layer thickness in healthy myopes // J. Ophthalmol.- 2014.- Vol.2014.- Article ID 431901.- 8 p.
44. Zhang Y., Wen W., Sun X.Comparison of several parameters in two optical coherence tomographysystems for detecting glaucomatous defects in high myopia // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2016.-Vol.57, № 11.- P.4910-4915.
45. Zhu B.D., Li S.M., Li H. et al.Retinal nerve fiber layer thickness in a population of 12-year-old childrenin central China measured by iVue-100 spectral-domain optical coherence tomography: the AnyangChildhood Eye Study // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci.- 2013.- Vol.54, № 13.- P.8104-8111.
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