Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
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Дога А.В., Магарамов Д.А., Соломин В.А.
Диагностическая ценность измерения толщины хориоидеи у пациентов с субмакулярной неоваскулярной мембраной
1. Измайлов А.С., Балашевич Л.И. Хориоидальная неоваскуляризация (диагностика и лечение): Учеб. пособие. — СПб., 2001. — 24 с.
2. Либман Е.С., Шахова Е.В. Состояние и динамика слепоты и инвалидности вследствие патологии органа зрения в России // Съезд офтальмологов России, 7-й: Тез. докл. — М., 2000. — С. 209-214.
3. Либман Е.С., Шахова Е.В. Слепота, слабовидение и инвалидность по зрению в Российской Федерации // Российский межрегиональный симпозиум «Ликвидация устранимой слепоты: Всемирная инициатива ВОЗ»: Материалы — Уфа, 2003. — С. 38-42.
4. Мухина М.А., Сотникова Е.В., Кутенова О.М. Социальная значимость и актуальность проблемы лечения макулодистрофии // Съезд офтальмологов России, 7-й: Тез. докл. — М., 2000. — С. 220.
5. Barbazetto I. A., Saroj N., Shapiro H. et al. Incidence of new choroidal neovascularization in fellow eyes of patients treated in the MARINA and ANCHOR trials // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2010. — Vol. 149, № 6. — P. 939-946.
6. Connell P.P., Keane P.A., Oeil E.C. et al. Risk factors for age-related maculopathy // J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — № 7. — 39 p.
7. Feeney-Burns L., Burns R.P., Gao C.L. Age-related macular changes in humans over 90 years old // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 1990. — Vol. 109, № 3. — P. 265-278.
8. Fujiwara T., Imamura Y., Margolis R. et al. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in highly myopic eyes // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 148, № 3. — P. 445-450.
9. Ikuno Y., Kawaguchi K., Nouchi T., Yasuno Y. Choroidal thickness in healthy Japanese subjects // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. — 2010. — Vol. 51, № 4. — P. 21732176.
10. Ikuno Y., Tano Y. Retinal and choroidal biometry in highly myopic eyes with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. — 2009. — Vol. 50, № 8. — P. 3876-3880.
11. Lumbroso B. Choroid Study Defines Normal Ranges of Variation // Retina today. — 2012. — Р. 64-65.
12. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Five-year follow-up of fellow eyes of patients with age-related macular degeneration and unilateral extrafoveal choroidal neovascularization // Arch. Ophthalmol. — 1993. — Vol. 111, № 9. — P. 1189-1199.
13. Manjunath V., Taha M., Fujimoto J.G., Duker J.S. Choroidal thickness in normal eyes measured using Cirrus HD optical coherence tomography // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2010. — Vol. 150, № 3. — P. 325-329.
14. Margolis R., Spaide R.F. A pilot study of enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in normal eyes // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 5. — P. 811-815.
15. Maruko I., Iida T., Sugano Y. et al. Subfoveal choroidal thickness after treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy // Ophthalmology. — 2010. — Vol. 117, № 9. — P. 1792-1799.
16. Reibaldi M., Boscia F., Avitabile T. et al. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in idiopathic macular hole: a cross-sectional prospective study // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2011. — Vol. 151, № 1. — P. 112-117.
17. Spaide R.F. Age-related choroidal atrophy // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 5. — P. 801-810.
18. Spaide R.F. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of retinal pigment epithelial detachment in age-related macular degeneration // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 4. — P.644-652.
19. Spaide R.F., Koizumi H., Pozzoni M.C. Enhanced depth imaging spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2008. — Vol. 146, № 4. — P. 496-500.
20. Unterhuber A., Povazay B., Hermann B. et al. In vivo retinal optical coherence tomography at 1040 nm — enhanced penetration into the choroid // Opt. Express. — 2005. — Vol. 13, № 9. — P. 3252-3258.
21. Wong T.Y., Wong T., Chakravarthy U. et al. The natural history and prognosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis // Ophthalmology. — 2008. — Vol. 115, № 1. — P. 116-126.
1. Izmaylova A.S., Balashevich L.I. Khorioidalnaya neovaskulyarizatsiya (diagnostika i lecheniye): Uchebnoye posobiye [Choroidal neovascularization (diagnostics and cure): Textbook]. St. Petersburg, 2001, 24 p.
2. Libman Ye.S., Shakhova Ye.V. [State and dynamics of blindness and disability caused by visual organ pathology]. S'yezd oftalmologov Rossii, 7-y: Tezisy dokladov [The 7th congress of the Russian ophthalmologists: Abstracts]. Moscow, 2000, pp. 209-214. (In Russ.).
3. Libman Ye.S., Shakhova Ye.V. [Blindness, hypovision and sight disability in the Russian Federation]. Rossiyskiy mezhregionalnyy simpozium “Likvidatsiya ustranimoy slepoty. Vsemirnaya initsiativa VOZ”: Materialy [Russian interregional symposium “Liquidation of removable blindness. World-wide initiative of the WHO”: Materials]. Ufa, 2003, pp.38-42. (In Russ.).
4. Mukhina M.A., Sotnikova Ye. V., Kutenova O.M. [Social significance and urgency of the problem of macular dystrophy treatment]. S'yezd oftalmologov Rossii, 7-y: Tezisy dokladov [The 7th congress of the Russian ophthalmologists: Abstracts]. Moscow, 2000, p. 220. (In Russ.).
5. Barbazetto I.A., Saroj N., Shapiro H. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2010, vol. 149, no. 6, pp.939–946.
6. Connell P.P., Keane P.A., Oeil E.C. et al. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, 360764, 39 p.
7. Feeney-Burns L., Burns R.P., Gao C.L. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 1990, vol.109, no. 3, pp.265–278.
8. Fujiwara T., Imamura Y., Margolis R. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.148, no. 3, pp.445-450.
9. Ikuno Y., Kawaguchi K., Nouchi T., Yasuno Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 2010, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2173–2176.
10. Ikuno Y., Tano Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 2009, vol.50, no. 8, pp .3876–3880.
11. Lumbroso B. Retina today, 2012, pp.64-65.
12. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch. Ophthalmol., 1993, vol. 111, no.9, pp. 1189–1199.
13. Manjunath V., Taha M., Fujimoto J.G., Duker J.S. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2010, vol.150, no. 3, pp.325–329.e1.
14. Margolis R., Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol. 147, no. 5, pp.811–815.
15. Maruko I., Iida T., Sugano Y. et al. Ophthalmology, 2010, vol.117, no. 9, pp.1792–1799.
16. Reibaldi M., Boscia F., Avitabile T. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2011, vol.151, no. 1, pp.112–117.
17. Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.147, no. 5, pp.801–810.
18. Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.147, no. 4, pp.644-652.
19. Spaide R.F., Koizumi H., Pozzoni M.C. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2008, vol.146, no. 4, pp.496-500.
20. Unterhuber A., Povazay B., Hermann B. et al. Opt. Express., 2005, vol.13, no. 9, pp.3252–3258.
21. Wong T.Y., Wong T., Chakravarthy U. et al. Ophthalmology, 2008, vol.115, no.1, pp.116–126.
2. Либман Е.С., Шахова Е.В. Состояние и динамика слепоты и инвалидности вследствие патологии органа зрения в России // Съезд офтальмологов России, 7-й: Тез. докл. — М., 2000. — С. 209-214.
3. Либман Е.С., Шахова Е.В. Слепота, слабовидение и инвалидность по зрению в Российской Федерации // Российский межрегиональный симпозиум «Ликвидация устранимой слепоты: Всемирная инициатива ВОЗ»: Материалы — Уфа, 2003. — С. 38-42.
4. Мухина М.А., Сотникова Е.В., Кутенова О.М. Социальная значимость и актуальность проблемы лечения макулодистрофии // Съезд офтальмологов России, 7-й: Тез. докл. — М., 2000. — С. 220.
5. Barbazetto I. A., Saroj N., Shapiro H. et al. Incidence of new choroidal neovascularization in fellow eyes of patients treated in the MARINA and ANCHOR trials // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2010. — Vol. 149, № 6. — P. 939-946.
6. Connell P.P., Keane P.A., Oeil E.C. et al. Risk factors for age-related maculopathy // J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — № 7. — 39 p.
7. Feeney-Burns L., Burns R.P., Gao C.L. Age-related macular changes in humans over 90 years old // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 1990. — Vol. 109, № 3. — P. 265-278.
8. Fujiwara T., Imamura Y., Margolis R. et al. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in highly myopic eyes // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 148, № 3. — P. 445-450.
9. Ikuno Y., Kawaguchi K., Nouchi T., Yasuno Y. Choroidal thickness in healthy Japanese subjects // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. — 2010. — Vol. 51, № 4. — P. 21732176.
10. Ikuno Y., Tano Y. Retinal and choroidal biometry in highly myopic eyes with spectral-domain optical coherence tomography // Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci. — 2009. — Vol. 50, № 8. — P. 3876-3880.
11. Lumbroso B. Choroid Study Defines Normal Ranges of Variation // Retina today. — 2012. — Р. 64-65.
12. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Five-year follow-up of fellow eyes of patients with age-related macular degeneration and unilateral extrafoveal choroidal neovascularization // Arch. Ophthalmol. — 1993. — Vol. 111, № 9. — P. 1189-1199.
13. Manjunath V., Taha M., Fujimoto J.G., Duker J.S. Choroidal thickness in normal eyes measured using Cirrus HD optical coherence tomography // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2010. — Vol. 150, № 3. — P. 325-329.
14. Margolis R., Spaide R.F. A pilot study of enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in normal eyes // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 5. — P. 811-815.
15. Maruko I., Iida T., Sugano Y. et al. Subfoveal choroidal thickness after treatment of central serous chorioretinopathy // Ophthalmology. — 2010. — Vol. 117, № 9. — P. 1792-1799.
16. Reibaldi M., Boscia F., Avitabile T. et al. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of the choroid in idiopathic macular hole: a cross-sectional prospective study // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2011. — Vol. 151, № 1. — P. 112-117.
17. Spaide R.F. Age-related choroidal atrophy // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 5. — P. 801-810.
18. Spaide R.F. Enhanced depth imaging optical coherence tomography of retinal pigment epithelial detachment in age-related macular degeneration // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2009. — Vol. 147, № 4. — P.644-652.
19. Spaide R.F., Koizumi H., Pozzoni M.C. Enhanced depth imaging spectraldomain optical coherence tomography // Am. J. Ophthalmol. — 2008. — Vol. 146, № 4. — P. 496-500.
20. Unterhuber A., Povazay B., Hermann B. et al. In vivo retinal optical coherence tomography at 1040 nm — enhanced penetration into the choroid // Opt. Express. — 2005. — Vol. 13, № 9. — P. 3252-3258.
21. Wong T.Y., Wong T., Chakravarthy U. et al. The natural history and prognosis of neovascular age-related macular degeneration: a systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis // Ophthalmology. — 2008. — Vol. 115, № 1. — P. 116-126.
1. Izmaylova A.S., Balashevich L.I. Khorioidalnaya neovaskulyarizatsiya (diagnostika i lecheniye): Uchebnoye posobiye [Choroidal neovascularization (diagnostics and cure): Textbook]. St. Petersburg, 2001, 24 p.
2. Libman Ye.S., Shakhova Ye.V. [State and dynamics of blindness and disability caused by visual organ pathology]. S'yezd oftalmologov Rossii, 7-y: Tezisy dokladov [The 7th congress of the Russian ophthalmologists: Abstracts]. Moscow, 2000, pp. 209-214. (In Russ.).
3. Libman Ye.S., Shakhova Ye.V. [Blindness, hypovision and sight disability in the Russian Federation]. Rossiyskiy mezhregionalnyy simpozium “Likvidatsiya ustranimoy slepoty. Vsemirnaya initsiativa VOZ”: Materialy [Russian interregional symposium “Liquidation of removable blindness. World-wide initiative of the WHO”: Materials]. Ufa, 2003, pp.38-42. (In Russ.).
4. Mukhina M.A., Sotnikova Ye. V., Kutenova O.M. [Social significance and urgency of the problem of macular dystrophy treatment]. S'yezd oftalmologov Rossii, 7-y: Tezisy dokladov [The 7th congress of the Russian ophthalmologists: Abstracts]. Moscow, 2000, p. 220. (In Russ.).
5. Barbazetto I.A., Saroj N., Shapiro H. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2010, vol. 149, no. 6, pp.939–946.
6. Connell P.P., Keane P.A., Oeil E.C. et al. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, 360764, 39 p.
7. Feeney-Burns L., Burns R.P., Gao C.L. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 1990, vol.109, no. 3, pp.265–278.
8. Fujiwara T., Imamura Y., Margolis R. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.148, no. 3, pp.445-450.
9. Ikuno Y., Kawaguchi K., Nouchi T., Yasuno Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 2010, vol. 51, no. 4, pp. 2173–2176.
10. Ikuno Y., Tano Y. Invest. Ophthalmol. Vis. Sci., 2009, vol.50, no. 8, pp .3876–3880.
11. Lumbroso B. Retina today, 2012, pp.64-65.
12. Macular Photocoagulation Study Group. Arch. Ophthalmol., 1993, vol. 111, no.9, pp. 1189–1199.
13. Manjunath V., Taha M., Fujimoto J.G., Duker J.S. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2010, vol.150, no. 3, pp.325–329.e1.
14. Margolis R., Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol. 147, no. 5, pp.811–815.
15. Maruko I., Iida T., Sugano Y. et al. Ophthalmology, 2010, vol.117, no. 9, pp.1792–1799.
16. Reibaldi M., Boscia F., Avitabile T. et al. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2011, vol.151, no. 1, pp.112–117.
17. Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.147, no. 5, pp.801–810.
18. Spaide R.F. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2009, vol.147, no. 4, pp.644-652.
19. Spaide R.F., Koizumi H., Pozzoni M.C. Am. J. Ophthalmol., 2008, vol.146, no. 4, pp.496-500.
20. Unterhuber A., Povazay B., Hermann B. et al. Opt. Express., 2005, vol.13, no. 9, pp.3252–3258.
21. Wong T.Y., Wong T., Chakravarthy U. et al. Ophthalmology, 2008, vol.115, no.1, pp.116–126.
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