Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | 617.77:616-006.6 |
V.A. Machekhin
A rare case of solid carcinoma of an upper eyelid (Difficulties of clinical and morphological diagnosis)
A rare case of solid carcinoma of an upper eyelid (Difficulties of clinical and morphological diagnosis)
V.A. Machekhin
The Tambov Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurger y Federal State Institution
Purpose. To present a rare case of solid carcinoma of an upper eyelid.
Material and methods. A female patient, 68 years old, consulted us about a large tumor of an upper eyelid that would not allow us to perform an eye examami-nation. The tumor was fully removed within limits of healthy tissue. We treated it as chondroma, basing our assumptions on clinical picture and surgical procedure.
However, histological diagnosis showed the presence of planocellular nonkeratiniz-ing carcinoma of an upper eyelid skin tissue.
Results. After tumor removal we managed to see an unchanged eyeball. We followed the patient for 5 months after surgery without noticing negative dynamics in the eye and eyelids.
But after 15 months the patient suffered from a tumor recurrence in the form of a large extensional formation in the external area of an eye orbit that led to the compression and deformation of the eye, accompanied by xerosis and breaks in corneal integrity. We performed orbital exenteration. Pathohistological diagnosis: malignant epithelial tumor of solid structure with illdefined symptoms of basal cell carcinoma.
Conclusion. We believe that the tumor originated not from the eyelid skin, but from sebaceous glands or tarsal glands, which ducts are lined with epithelium. Such tumors possess a high malignancy and demand a constant postsurgical follow-up. If necessary, a doctor must make a quick decision about a repeated surgery and/or radiation and chemotherapy.
Key words: eyelid, solid cancer, morphology.
Ophthalmosurgery.— 2011.— No. 3.— P. 68-71.
V.A. Machekhin
The Tambov Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurger y Federal State Institution
Purpose. To present a rare case of solid carcinoma of an upper eyelid.
Material and methods. A female patient, 68 years old, consulted us about a large tumor of an upper eyelid that would not allow us to perform an eye examami-nation. The tumor was fully removed within limits of healthy tissue. We treated it as chondroma, basing our assumptions on clinical picture and surgical procedure.
However, histological diagnosis showed the presence of planocellular nonkeratiniz-ing carcinoma of an upper eyelid skin tissue.
Results. After tumor removal we managed to see an unchanged eyeball. We followed the patient for 5 months after surgery without noticing negative dynamics in the eye and eyelids.
But after 15 months the patient suffered from a tumor recurrence in the form of a large extensional formation in the external area of an eye orbit that led to the compression and deformation of the eye, accompanied by xerosis and breaks in corneal integrity. We performed orbital exenteration. Pathohistological diagnosis: malignant epithelial tumor of solid structure with illdefined symptoms of basal cell carcinoma.
Conclusion. We believe that the tumor originated not from the eyelid skin, but from sebaceous glands or tarsal glands, which ducts are lined with epithelium. Such tumors possess a high malignancy and demand a constant postsurgical follow-up. If necessary, a doctor must make a quick decision about a repeated surgery and/or radiation and chemotherapy.
Key words: eyelid, solid cancer, morphology.
Ophthalmosurgery.— 2011.— No. 3.— P. 68-71.
Страница источника: 68
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