Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | 617.7 DOI: 10.25276/0235-4160-2023-3-119-124 |
O.M. Stanishevskaya, M.A. Glock, M.A. Safronova, A.I. Belyaeva, D.V. Chernykh
Classifications of peripheral retinal dystrophies
Classifications of peripheral retinal dystrophies
O.M. Stanishevskaya, M.A. Glock, M.A. Safronova, A.I. Belyaeva, D.V. Chernykh
S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Novosibirsk Branch, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation
Purpuse. To analyze the existing classifications of peripheral retinal dystrophies.
Material and methods. While writing a literature review, a search was made for data from domestic and foreign literature, mostly in the last 20 years. The search was carried out using the following keywords: «peripheral retinal dystrophies», «retinal detachment», «laser coagulation», «lattice degeneration». In total, 20 articles were selected that relate to the topic of this literature review.
Results. Retinal detachment is a severe pathology leading to a significant reduction or loss of vision. Peripheral retinal dystrophies play a leading role in the development of retinal detachment. The leading role in the development of rhegmatogenous forms of peripheral degenerations is assigned to changes in the vitreous body with a traction effect on the retina. The question of the incidence of retinal detachment in its dystrophies remains debatable. In publications, we came across a large number of classifications of peripheral retinal dystrophies, covering from 8 to 20 different clinical forms. The question of which retinal dystrophies are predisposing or not predisposing to retinal detachment remains open. Visualization of the vitreoretinal interface in peripheral degenerations is relevant for determining treatment tactics. Optical coherence tomography is highly informative in the early diagnosis of the traction component, visualization of retinal tears and detachment, and determination of indications for laser coagulation of the retina.
Conclusion. Retinal detachment is a severe pathology leading to a significant reduction or loss of vision. Peripheral retinal dystrophies play a leading role in the development of retinal detachment. The question of the incidence of retinal detachment in its dystrophies remains debatable. The issue of creating a working classification that reflects the morphology of the degenerative process and indications for laser treatment remains relevant.
Key words: peripheral retinal dystrophy, retinal detachment, retinal laser treatment, lattice degeneration
For citation: Stanishevskaya O.M., Glock M.A., Safronova M.A., Belyaeva A.I., Chernykh D.V. Classifications of peripheral retinal dystrophies. Fyodorov Journal of Ophthalmic Surgery. 2023;2: 119–124. doi: 10.25276/0235-4160-2023-3-119-124
Corresponding author: Olga M. Stanishevskaya, stanishevskaya.olya@gmail.com
Страница источника: 119
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