Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | DOI: https://doi.org/10.25276/2312-4911-2021-3-408-414 |
A.F. Yusupov, Sh.A. Akhmedova, T.N. Savranova, V.U. Rozukulov
Clinical cases of rarely diagnosed forms of choroidal osteoma
Clinical cases of rarely diagnosed forms of choroidal osteoma
A.F. Yusupov, Sh.A. Akhmedova, T.N. Savranova, V.U. Rozukulov
Republican specialized scientific and practical Medical center of the eye microsurgery
Purpose. To analyze the 3 cases of choroidal osteomas, revealed in histological study after evisceration of eye.
Material and methods. 3 patients (3 eyes) with chronic uveitis of different origin.
Results. On histological examination, the bone tissue consisted of a network of bone beams of not fully mature type, with irregularly pronounced fibroreticular tissue between them. There was insignificant proliferation of endosteal cells in the fibroreticular component. There was marked interstitial edema, increased vascularization with hyperemia in the choroidal vascular plate.
Conclusion. Preoperative diagnosis of choroidal osteomas is difficult because of the opacity of the eye media. Long term chronic uveitis of different origin was common to all given cases. Choroidal osteomas was an intraoperative finding and ossification process of choroid was indused by inflammatory process of the eye.
Key words: choroidal osteomas, chronic uveitis.
Clinical cases of rarely diagnosed forms of choroidal osteoma
A.F. Yusupov, Sh.A. Akhmedova, T.N. Savranova, V.U. Rozukulov
Republican specialized scientific and practical Medical center of the eye microsurgery
Purpose. To analyze the 3 cases of choroidal osteomas, revealed in histological study after evisceration of eye.
Material and methods. 3 patients (3 eyes) with chronic uveitis of different origin.
Results. On histological examination, the bone tissue consisted of a network of bone beams of not fully mature type, with irregularly pronounced fibroreticular tissue between them. There was insignificant proliferation of endosteal cells in the fibroreticular component. There was marked interstitial edema, increased vascularization with hyperemia in the choroidal vascular plate.
Conclusion. Preoperative diagnosis of choroidal osteomas is difficult because of the opacity of the eye media. Long term chronic uveitis of different origin was common to all given cases. Choroidal osteomas was an intraoperative finding and ossification process of choroid was indused by inflammatory process of the eye.
Key words: choroidal osteomas, chronic uveitis.
Страница источника: 408-413
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