Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
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УДК: | УДК 617.741-004.1-089 |
E.V. Egorova1, A.V. Betke1, V.G. Bezborodov2
Mathematical modeling in a solution of the long-term complications problem of cataract surgery with zonular weakness
Новосибирский филиал «НМИЦ МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Минздрава РФ
Новосибирский государственный архитектурно-строительный университет
Mathematical modeling in a solution of the long-term complications problem of cataract surgery with zonular weakness
E.V. Egorova1, A.V. Betke1, V.G. Bezborodov2
1 The Novosibirsk Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Novosibirsk;
2 The Novosibirsk State university of Architecture and Construction, Novosibirsk
Purpose. To define distribution of the stretching tension in a capsular bag after phakoemulsification, to prove CTR choice, to study dependence of stretching tension in a capsular bag from the capsulorhexis size.
Material and methods. This mathematical model describes tension in different points of capsular bag and allows to estimate a role of capsulorhexis and CTR.
Results. The mathematical model of a tension in system «the capsular bag — zonules» after cataract surgery with anterior and posterior capsulorhexis and implantation of a capsular tension ring (CTR) is presented.
Conclusion. The maximum values of radial tension are observed on the equator of a capsular bag. The maximum of circular stretching tension is noted on capsulorhexis border. The increase in capsulorhexis size reduces radial tension in equator points. Using known biomechanical parameters it is possible to calculate stretching force of a ring on a capsular bag. Application of this mathematical model can be recommended in a choice and development of new designs of CTR.
Key words: phacoemulsification, capsular bag, capsulorhexis, capsular tension ring.
Mathematical modeling in a solution of the long-term complications problem of cataract surgery with zonular weakness
E.V. Egorova1, A.V. Betke1, V.G. Bezborodov2
1 The Novosibirsk Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Novosibirsk;
2 The Novosibirsk State university of Architecture and Construction, Novosibirsk
Purpose. To define distribution of the stretching tension in a capsular bag after phakoemulsification, to prove CTR choice, to study dependence of stretching tension in a capsular bag from the capsulorhexis size.
Material and methods. This mathematical model describes tension in different points of capsular bag and allows to estimate a role of capsulorhexis and CTR.
Results. The mathematical model of a tension in system «the capsular bag — zonules» after cataract surgery with anterior and posterior capsulorhexis and implantation of a capsular tension ring (CTR) is presented.
Conclusion. The maximum values of radial tension are observed on the equator of a capsular bag. The maximum of circular stretching tension is noted on capsulorhexis border. The increase in capsulorhexis size reduces radial tension in equator points. Using known biomechanical parameters it is possible to calculate stretching force of a ring on a capsular bag. Application of this mathematical model can be recommended in a choice and development of new designs of CTR.
Key words: phacoemulsification, capsular bag, capsulorhexis, capsular tension ring.
Страница источника: 13
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