Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | УДК 617.7 DOI:https://doi.org/10.25276/2410-1257-2019-3-30-32 |
L.F. Rudneva, E.Yu. Ponomareva, E.E. Savina
Ophthalmic manifestations in systemic scleroderma
Тюменский государственый медицинский университет Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
Тюменская областная клиническая больница № 2
Ophthalmic manifestations in systemic scleroderma
L.F. Rudneva, E.Yu. Ponomareva, E.E. Savina
Federal Tumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health RF, Tyumen
State budgetary institution of health care «Regional clinical hospital №2», Tyumen
Purpose. Identify the most common ophthalmic manifestations in systemic scleroderma.
Material and methods. The ophthalmological examination (standard and in depth) was performed in 17 patients with systemic scleroderma.
Results. Ocular changes were detected in all patients with systemic scleroderma; lens opacities, macular degeneration and vitreous destruction were the predominant pathologies in ocular systemic scleroderma.
Conclusion. In-depth ophthalmological studies are recommended to detect unfavorable ocular lesions in all patients with systemic scleroderma.
Key words: systemic scleroderma, ophthalmologic manifestations, in-depth ophthalmologic studies.
Ophthalmic manifestations in systemic scleroderma
L.F. Rudneva, E.Yu. Ponomareva, E.E. Savina
Federal Tumen State Medical University of the Ministry of Health RF, Tyumen
State budgetary institution of health care «Regional clinical hospital №2», Tyumen
Purpose. Identify the most common ophthalmic manifestations in systemic scleroderma.
Material and methods. The ophthalmological examination (standard and in depth) was performed in 17 patients with systemic scleroderma.
Results. Ocular changes were detected in all patients with systemic scleroderma; lens opacities, macular degeneration and vitreous destruction were the predominant pathologies in ocular systemic scleroderma.
Conclusion. In-depth ophthalmological studies are recommended to detect unfavorable ocular lesions in all patients with systemic scleroderma.
Key words: systemic scleroderma, ophthalmologic manifestations, in-depth ophthalmologic studies.
Страница источника: 30-32
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