Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | УДК 617.741-001.6-089 |
N.Y. Senchenko
Optimization of methods in surgical treatment of lens ectopia of various degrees in children with Marfan syndrome
Optimization of methods in surgical treatment of lens ectopia of various degrees in children with Marfan syndrome
N.Y. Senchenko
The Irkutsk Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Irkutsk, Russia
Purpose. To develop surgical methods in treatment of lens ectopia of various degrees in children with Marfan syndrome based on a perfection of methods for fixation and autoplasty of capsular bag with an assessment of their clinical efficacy.
Material and methods. There were examined and operated on in the study 18 children (36 eyes) aged from 5 to 14 years with the clinically proved Marfan syndrome and lens ectopia of degrees I-III (according to the classification by Shilovsky O.). The procedures differed in techniques of dissection and fixation of capsular bag. In patients with the lens ectopia of degree I the anterior capsule was dissected by the circular capsulorhexis technique with a consecutive capture of capsulorhexis and pupil edges and their fixation on corneocentesis area. In lens ectopia of degrees II and III a U-shaped flap was cut out in anterior capsule, fixed intra-operatively by different ways, and at the final stage of surgery it was placed on the area of changed ciliary zonule fibers and sutured together with IOL to the iris in a special manner.
Results. During surgical procedures no complications were noted, that required a change of volume and technique of surgery. The position of capsular bag was stable, the dysplasia zone was securely blocked. Visual and binocular functions were improved in all patients.
Conclusion. The proposed treatments create optimal conditions for the rehabilitation of patients in this category.
Key words: Marfan syndrome, lens ectopia, subluxated lens removal, new methods.
Optimization of methods in surgical treatment of lens ectopia of various degrees in children with Marfan syndrome
N.Y. Senchenko
The Irkutsk Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Irkutsk, Russia
Purpose. To develop surgical methods in treatment of lens ectopia of various degrees in children with Marfan syndrome based on a perfection of methods for fixation and autoplasty of capsular bag with an assessment of their clinical efficacy.
Material and methods. There were examined and operated on in the study 18 children (36 eyes) aged from 5 to 14 years with the clinically proved Marfan syndrome and lens ectopia of degrees I-III (according to the classification by Shilovsky O.). The procedures differed in techniques of dissection and fixation of capsular bag. In patients with the lens ectopia of degree I the anterior capsule was dissected by the circular capsulorhexis technique with a consecutive capture of capsulorhexis and pupil edges and their fixation on corneocentesis area. In lens ectopia of degrees II and III a U-shaped flap was cut out in anterior capsule, fixed intra-operatively by different ways, and at the final stage of surgery it was placed on the area of changed ciliary zonule fibers and sutured together with IOL to the iris in a special manner.
Results. During surgical procedures no complications were noted, that required a change of volume and technique of surgery. The position of capsular bag was stable, the dysplasia zone was securely blocked. Visual and binocular functions were improved in all patients.
Conclusion. The proposed treatments create optimal conditions for the rehabilitation of patients in this category.
Key words: Marfan syndrome, lens ectopia, subluxated lens removal, new methods.
Страница источника: 26
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