Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | УДК 615.849.19-08 |
A.V. Tereshchenko, Y.A. Belyiy, I.G. Trifanenkova, Y.A. Sidorova
Pattern technology of laser treatment for retinopathy of prematurity
Purpose. To develop a differentiated approach to the laser treatment for active stages of retinopathy of prematurity using the pattern retinal photocoagulation and evaluate its effectiveness.
Material and methods. The study was conducted in 1158 eyes of 613 premature infants (gestation age – 25-31 weeks, birth weight – 670-1630 gr.). In the main group the pattern retinal photocoagulation (Pascal) was performed, in the control – coagulation in the single pulse mode.
Results.Pattern photocoagulation advantages as compared with standard are a significant reduction in the duration of the intervention (not less than 2 times) and a high dosage of impact.
Conclusions.The results of these studies strongly suggests that the effectiveness of laser treatment is determined by three main factors: the initial severity of the disease (severity of vascular disorders and the process localization), the promptness and adequacy of coagulation.
Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, pattern retinal photocoagulation, differentiated approach
Material and methods. The study was conducted in 1158 eyes of 613 premature infants (gestation age – 25-31 weeks, birth weight – 670-1630 gr.). In the main group the pattern retinal photocoagulation (Pascal) was performed, in the control – coagulation in the single pulse mode.
Results.Pattern photocoagulation advantages as compared with standard are a significant reduction in the duration of the intervention (not less than 2 times) and a high dosage of impact.
Conclusions.The results of these studies strongly suggests that the effectiveness of laser treatment is determined by three main factors: the initial severity of the disease (severity of vascular disorders and the process localization), the promptness and adequacy of coagulation.
Key words: retinopathy of prematurity, aggressive posterior retinopathy of prematurity, pattern retinal photocoagulation, differentiated approach
Страница источника: 22
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