Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
Видео докладов
Реферат RUS | Реферат ENG | Литература | Полный текст |
УДК: | УДК 617.7 DOI:https://doi.org/10.25276/2410-1257-2019-3-90-91 |
I.A. Filatova, S.A. Shemetov, Yu.A. Pavlenko , I.M. Mohammad, Yu.P. Kondratieva
Prevention of pathological scarring at removing of post-traumatic eyelid deformities
Prevention of pathological scarring at removing of post-traumatic eyelid deformities
I.A. Filatova, S.A. Shemetov, Yu.A. Pavlenko , I.M. Mohammad, Yu.P. Kondratieva
Helmholtz Research Institute Of Eye Diseases, Moscow
The Purpose of investigation was to evaluate efficiency of radiowave Pelleve procedure as a method of prevention of pathological scarring at removing of post-traumatic eyelid deformities.
Material and methods. Clinical group was 10 patients (8 men, 2 women). Middle age was 35±7,8 years old. All patients had had post-traumatic scar deformations of eyelids skin, slight mobility and low elasticity of eyelids skin. Pelleve procedure was repeated from 2 to 3 times in one month.
Results. Within the control period in subjective assessment all patients had softening, increased elasticity of eye tissue scars. At carrying laser dopler flowmetry was found increase indicators of blood microcirculation of changed eyelids tissue in comparison with the indicators before the procedure.
Key words: post-traumatic scar deformations of eyelids, Pelleve procedure, high frequency radio waves, prevention of scarring.
Prevention of pathological scarring at removing of post-traumatic eyelid deformities
I.A. Filatova, S.A. Shemetov, Yu.A. Pavlenko , I.M. Mohammad, Yu.P. Kondratieva
Helmholtz Research Institute Of Eye Diseases, Moscow
The Purpose of investigation was to evaluate efficiency of radiowave Pelleve procedure as a method of prevention of pathological scarring at removing of post-traumatic eyelid deformities.
Material and methods. Clinical group was 10 patients (8 men, 2 women). Middle age was 35±7,8 years old. All patients had had post-traumatic scar deformations of eyelids skin, slight mobility and low elasticity of eyelids skin. Pelleve procedure was repeated from 2 to 3 times in one month.
Results. Within the control period in subjective assessment all patients had softening, increased elasticity of eye tissue scars. At carrying laser dopler flowmetry was found increase indicators of blood microcirculation of changed eyelids tissue in comparison with the indicators before the procedure.
Key words: post-traumatic scar deformations of eyelids, Pelleve procedure, high frequency radio waves, prevention of scarring.
Страница источника: 90-91
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