Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
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УДК: | 617.735 |
Kh.P. Takhchidi, N.A. Gavrilova, N.I. Lanevskaya, O.E. Tishchenko, S.A. Borzenok¹, A.V. Shatskikh¹, I.N. Saburina², S.A. Sergeev², G.V. Pavlova³, E.Yu. Rybalkina³, A.V. Revishchin³
Comparative Characteristics of Pigment Epithelium-derived factor (PEDF) and Avastin on Organotypic Retinal Cultures
Московский государственный медико-стоматологический университет им. А.И. Евдокимова

НМИЦ «МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Минздрава РФ
Научно-исследовательский институт общей патологии и патофизиологии
Институт биологии гена Российской академии наук
To evaluate the influence of recombinant PEDF and Avastin on organotypic retinal cultures.
Material and methods
Experiments were performed using rat retinal explants cultured in dishes. In experiment cultures, we added PEDF at concentration of 0,5 μg⁄ml or Avastin at concentration of 50 μg⁄ml. Condition of the culture and results of culturing were evaluated with phase contrast and fluorescent microscope. Cultures were tested for viability. Explants were subjected for immunohistochemisrty for neural markers. Expression of endothelial marker von Willebrand factor was evaluated by Western blot analysis.
Unlike cultures with Avastin and control cultures, organotypic cultures of the rat retina with PEDF demonstrated increased viability of retinal cells, active cell migration and active outgrowth of β-III-tubulin immunopositive axon-like neuronal processes extending out of explant limits. Western blot analysis showed that expression of von Willebrand factor was significantly diminished in cultures with Avastin and PEDF as compared to control.
To evaluate the influence of recombinant PEDF and Avastin on organotypic retinal cultures.
Material and methods
Experiments were performed using rat retinal explants cultured in dishes. In experiment cultures, we added PEDF at concentration of 0,5 μg⁄ml or Avastin at concentration of 50 μg⁄ml. Condition of the culture and results of culturing were evaluated with phase contrast and fluorescent microscope. Cultures were tested for viability. Explants were subjected for immunohistochemisrty for neural markers. Expression of endothelial marker von Willebrand factor was evaluated by Western blot analysis.
Unlike cultures with Avastin and control cultures, organotypic cultures of the rat retina with PEDF demonstrated increased viability of retinal cells, active cell migration and active outgrowth of β-III-tubulin immunopositive axon-like neuronal processes extending out of explant limits. Western blot analysis showed that expression of von Willebrand factor was significantly diminished in cultures with Avastin and PEDF as compared to control.
Офтальмологические клиники, производители и поставщики оборудования
Периодические издания
Проекта Российская Офтальмология Онлайн