Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
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УДК: | УДК 617.713-089 |
N.P. Pashtayev?,?,?, M.V. Sinitsyn?, N.A. Pozdeyeva?,?
Comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of the intrastromal segments and MyoRing implantations in keratoconus using the femtosecond technology
Чебоксарский филиал «НМИЦ МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Минздрава РФ
Институт усовершенствования врачей Минздрава Чувашии
Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова
Comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of the intrastromal segments and MyoRing implantations in keratoconus using the femtosecond technology
N.P. Pashtayev?,?,?, M.V. Sinitsyn?, N.A. Pozdeyeva?,?
? The Cheboksary Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Cheboksary;
? The Institute of Advanced Medical Training of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic;
? The I. Ulyanov Chuvash State University
Purpose. A comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of the intrastromal segments and MyoRing implantations in keratoconusof the stages II and III using the femtosecond technology.
Material and methods. There were examined and operated 117 eyes (98 patients) with keratoconus of the stages II and III (classification by Amsler M., 1961). In the group I, 30 eyes (23 patients) underwent implantation of intrastromal MyoRing (Dioptex, Austria) using the femtosecond technology. The group II included 87 eyes (75 patients) with implantations of intrastromal corneal segments (the Eye Microsurgery Research Experimental Production Ltd.) using the femtosecond technology. The average follow-up was 10 months.
Results. Patients were examined 3 and 10 months after the surgery. After the femtosecond laser MyoRing implantation in the subgroups 1 and 2 the UCVA and BCVA increased by 3-4 lines, mean keratometry readings in the subgroup 1 decreased by 9.49D, in the subgroup 2 — by 13.6D. After femtosecond laser implantation of intrastromal corneal segments (ICS) in the subgroups 1 and 2 the UCVA and BCVA increased by 2-3 lines, mean keratometry readings in the subgroup 1 decreased by 3.96D, in the subgroup 2 — by 6.1D.
Conclusion. 1 The UCVA growth was by 15%, the BCVA — by 11% after the MyoRing implantation compared with the ICS implantation in keratoconus of the stage II and the UCVA — 1.8 times in patients with keratoconus of the stage III. The BCVA values in keratoconus of the stage III after the MyoRing implantation and the ICS implantation were comparable. 2. The femtosecond laser MyoRing implantation led to a more pronounced decrease of the mean keratometry readings 2.4 times in patients with keratoconus of the stage II and 2.2 times in keratoconus of the stage III versus implantation of intrastromal corneal segments.
Key words: keratoconus, MyoRing, corneal intrastromal segments, femtosecond laser.
Comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of the intrastromal segments and MyoRing implantations in keratoconus using the femtosecond technology
N.P. Pashtayev?,?,?, M.V. Sinitsyn?, N.A. Pozdeyeva?,?
? The Cheboksary Branch of the S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Cheboksary;
? The Institute of Advanced Medical Training of the Ministry of Health and Social Development of the Chuvash Republic;
? The I. Ulyanov Chuvash State University
Purpose. A comparative analysis of clinical and functional results of the intrastromal segments and MyoRing implantations in keratoconusof the stages II and III using the femtosecond technology.
Material and methods. There were examined and operated 117 eyes (98 patients) with keratoconus of the stages II and III (classification by Amsler M., 1961). In the group I, 30 eyes (23 patients) underwent implantation of intrastromal MyoRing (Dioptex, Austria) using the femtosecond technology. The group II included 87 eyes (75 patients) with implantations of intrastromal corneal segments (the Eye Microsurgery Research Experimental Production Ltd.) using the femtosecond technology. The average follow-up was 10 months.
Results. Patients were examined 3 and 10 months after the surgery. After the femtosecond laser MyoRing implantation in the subgroups 1 and 2 the UCVA and BCVA increased by 3-4 lines, mean keratometry readings in the subgroup 1 decreased by 9.49D, in the subgroup 2 — by 13.6D. After femtosecond laser implantation of intrastromal corneal segments (ICS) in the subgroups 1 and 2 the UCVA and BCVA increased by 2-3 lines, mean keratometry readings in the subgroup 1 decreased by 3.96D, in the subgroup 2 — by 6.1D.
Conclusion. 1 The UCVA growth was by 15%, the BCVA — by 11% after the MyoRing implantation compared with the ICS implantation in keratoconus of the stage II and the UCVA — 1.8 times in patients with keratoconus of the stage III. The BCVA values in keratoconus of the stage III after the MyoRing implantation and the ICS implantation were comparable. 2. The femtosecond laser MyoRing implantation led to a more pronounced decrease of the mean keratometry readings 2.4 times in patients with keratoconus of the stage II and 2.2 times in keratoconus of the stage III versus implantation of intrastromal corneal segments.
Key words: keratoconus, MyoRing, corneal intrastromal segments, femtosecond laser.
Страница источника: 35
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