Репозиторий OAI—PMH
Репозиторий Российская Офтальмология Онлайн по протоколу OAI-PMH
Офтальмологические конференции и симпозиумы
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УДК: | 617.713-003.829.5-089 |
A.A. Yarovoy1, A.V. Golanov2, S.R. Ilyalov2, V.V. Kostyuchenko2, I.M. Gorshkov1, O.V. Golubeva1
«Gamma-knife» stereotactic radiosurgery for large uveal melanoma as an alternative for enucleation (First results)

НМИЦ «МНТК «Микрохирургия глаза» им. акад. С.Н. Федорова» Минздрава РФ
«НМИЦ нейрохирургии им.академика Н. Н. Бурденко» Министерства здравоохранения Российской Федерации
«Gamma-knife» stereotactic radiosurgery for large uveal melanoma as an alternative for enucleation (First results)
A.A. Yarovoy1, A.V. Golanov2, S.R. Ilyalov2, V.V. Kostyuchenko2, I.M. Gorshkov1, O.V. Golubeva1
1 The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Moscow;
2 The N.N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, (the Business Center of Neurosurgery), Moscow
Development of stereotactic radiosurgery in ophthalmology started in the 1980s. Positive results in the Gamma-knife application were achieved in treatment of large uveal melanomas as an alternative for enucleation. The experience of Gamma-knife application in Russia is minimal.
Purpose. To present the earliest results of treatment of patients with large uveal melanomas using the Gamma-knife radiosurgery.
Material and methods. The study includes 7 patients with uveal melanoma (Т2-3N0M0) treated from June 2012 to December 2013. In all cases stereotactic radiosurgery was an alternative of eye enucleation and in 6 cases was a primary treatment.
Irradiation was conducted according to the traditional planning technique - irradiation with a 35-40 Gy by 50% isodose with maximum in tumor of 70-80 Gy. Follow-up was 2-18 months and in out-patients conditions.
Results. The eyes and vision were preserved in 6 cases out of 7.
Mean tumor regression was 2.8mm within more than 1 year. The main complication was radiation retinopathy of various manifestation.
Conclusions. Gamma-knife radiosurgery allows to preserve the eyes with large uveal melanoma. Degree of radiogenic complications is not fatal for the eye. Nevertheless, a further follow-up is required for the treated patients to study possibilities of the method.
Key words: gamma-knife, stereotactic radiosurgery, uveal melanoma, eye enucleation.
Офтальмохирургия.– 2014.– № 2.– С. 74-80.
«Gamma-knife» stereotactic radiosurgery for large uveal melanoma as an alternative for enucleation (First results)
A.A. Yarovoy1, A.V. Golanov2, S.R. Ilyalov2, V.V. Kostyuchenko2, I.M. Gorshkov1, O.V. Golubeva1
1 The S. Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Federal State Institution, Moscow;
2 The N.N. Burdenko Research Institute of Neurosurgery of the Russian Academy of Medical Sciences, (the Business Center of Neurosurgery), Moscow
Development of stereotactic radiosurgery in ophthalmology started in the 1980s. Positive results in the Gamma-knife application were achieved in treatment of large uveal melanomas as an alternative for enucleation. The experience of Gamma-knife application in Russia is minimal.
Purpose. To present the earliest results of treatment of patients with large uveal melanomas using the Gamma-knife radiosurgery.
Material and methods. The study includes 7 patients with uveal melanoma (Т2-3N0M0) treated from June 2012 to December 2013. In all cases stereotactic radiosurgery was an alternative of eye enucleation and in 6 cases was a primary treatment.
Irradiation was conducted according to the traditional planning technique - irradiation with a 35-40 Gy by 50% isodose with maximum in tumor of 70-80 Gy. Follow-up was 2-18 months and in out-patients conditions.
Results. The eyes and vision were preserved in 6 cases out of 7.
Mean tumor regression was 2.8mm within more than 1 year. The main complication was radiation retinopathy of various manifestation.
Conclusions. Gamma-knife radiosurgery allows to preserve the eyes with large uveal melanoma. Degree of radiogenic complications is not fatal for the eye. Nevertheless, a further follow-up is required for the treated patients to study possibilities of the method.
Key words: gamma-knife, stereotactic radiosurgery, uveal melanoma, eye enucleation.
Офтальмохирургия.– 2014.– № 2.– С. 74-80.
Страница источника: 74
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