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Makhacheva Z.A.
A New Perspective on the Vitreous Body Anatomy

Moscow, 2006
A New Perspective on the Vitreous Body Anatomy
Background Preparation & Examination Techniques Model of the Vitreous Body Anatomy as to Z. Makhacheva Cisternal Systems Bursa Premacularis Canals ...показать весь список раздела
All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be used or reproduced in any manner whatsoever without written permission from the author except for brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews. For permission contact the author at zmakhacheva@yahoo.ca
A New Perspective on the Anatomy of the Vitreous Body by Z. Makhacheva, MD, Ph.D. presents the highlights of her research on the vitreous body anatomy conducted at the Jan Worst Research Group (Haren, the Netherlands) in 1993.
By pioneering a new topographo-anatomical approach for studying the vitreous body anatomy in fresh autopsy eyes and by developing original preparation techniques, Dr. Zaira Makhacheva was able to discover new vitreal structures and clarify misconceptions, thus advancing the knowledge of the vitreous body anatomy and its role in physiological and pathological conditions.
The critical structural elements of the vitreous body are pictured by the author in the Model of the Vitreous Body Anatomy, as well as in the unique and explicit pictures of the vitreous body specimens.
These depictions make it obvious that the vitreous body has a more complex organization and function than previously thought.
A new perspective on the vitreous body anatomy is a valuable resource for researchers and practical ophthalmologists.
M. Guseva – MD, Ph.D., Professor Ophthalmology Department, Faculty of Pediatrics, Russian State Medical University
G. Shilkin – MD, Ph.D., Professor Ophthalmology Department, Moscow State Medical & Dentistry University
Pictures, English text: Z. Makhacheva
Design, layout: K. Kamilov, A. Dzhabrailova
Moscow, 2006
© Copyright 2006 Z. Makhacheva
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